My Rebirth

{July 21, 2009}   On politics and loved ones

I have never been a particularly confrontational person. I would rather not rock the boat, so I generally keep my mouth shut, especially on political matters. You always hear people say that you shouldn’t talk about religion and politics, because it can be a real hot button issue with people. That, for the most part, has been my motto. Why start an argument at an otherwise pleasant family gathering or party among friends.

And, when it’s been brought up, I have maybe stated my opinion, but I think I have pretty much stayed away from inflammatory language. I would rather change the subject, or joke about how politicians are all the same. Even when people in the discussion have not given me the same courtesy.

In the year 2000 I was a Democrat, but couldn’t bring myself to vote for Gore, so I did not vote in that election. When 9/11 happened, something inside me said, “Thank God Gore is not president.” I was hungry for news on that day, and as soon as I got off work, I turned on talk radio, KSTP. Bob Davis was on. I listened to him every day for the next 8 years. And slowly, my views began to change. More Conservative, more center right.

So, when Bush was up for re-election, I volunteered. I thought it was important. I didn’t agree with everything he did, but I felt it was important for someone who was strong on defense to be in the White House. I couldn’t believe the anger and hateful comments I heard when certain people found out my political views. Someone said they just wanted to throw a glass at my head when they found out I was volunteering. One person called Bush my “boyfriend”, and innumerable times I’ve had to listen to hateful inflammatory language about how he was the “worst president ever”. And I pretty much kept my mouth shut, because these were people I cared about. I just wished they would have extended me the same courtesy.

Now, however, the shoe’s on the other foot. I did not vote for this president. And I think he could go down as one of the worst presidents in history. Yet, I have mostly kept my mouth shut, because of the adoration people in my family have expressed. And I’ve been told outright, there will be no talking bad about Obama in front of my niece and nephew. So, I stay silent. Out of respect.

Except on my Twitter and Facebook. I express my political views on those accounts because I have like-minded people that follow me, and I want to share my views with them. But, then there’s the inevitable comment from someone who doesn’t agree with me. And they can be snarky. I just have to say, I don’t tell you what you can post on your wall, and I don’t comment on stuff that I don’t agree with, because it’s your wall and your opinion. I just don’t have to look at it. Or read it.

So this is a message to those people who would make a snarky comment or try to argue with me about my views. They are my views, and you don’t have to look at my stuff if it offends you. And I don’t go around arguing with everyone I meet and try to convince people to believe what I do, but I do have the right to censor you on my Twitter, my Facebook wall, and my blog.

Respectfully, Wendy

et cetera